'DIM W(25) DIM Word$(11) label home Wrong=0:Check=0:Hit=0:GotIt=0 FOR a = 0 to 25:W(a)=0:next a d=0 color 0,15 cls color 12,15 ?CAT(1);"Carstens SmallBASIC Galgenmann";CAT(0) ?CAT(1);" Based on SB Novices Hangman";CAT(0) ?"" GOSUB Database XA=20:COLOR 1,15 FOR GW = 1 TO LEN(HM$) Word$(GW)=UCASE$(MID$(HM$,GW,1)) AT XA, 160:?"_" XA = XA + 20 NEXT GW color 0,15 X1=5 Y1=185 Char=65 COLOR 2,15 for a = 1 to 4 for b = 1 to 7 pset 5+c,185+d:rect 35+c,215+d:AT 10+c,190+d:?Chr$(Char) if a=4 and b=6:AT 10+c,190+d:?"Neu":fi if a=4 and b=7:AT 10+c-3,190+d:?"Ende":fi c=c+32 Char=Char+1 next b d=d+32:c=0 next a while 1 pen on if pen(0)then x=pen(4) y=pen(5) X1=5:Y1=185:Lx=1 for a = 1 to 7 if x>X1 and xY1 and y185 and y<217 if x>5 and x<37 and W(0)=0:W$="A":W(0)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>37 and x<69 and W(1)=0:W$="B":W(1)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>69 and x<101 and W(2)=0:W$="C":W(2)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>101 and x<133 and W(3)=0:W$="D":W(3)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>133 and x<165 and W(4)=0:W$="E":W(4)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>165 and x<197 and W(5)=0:W$="F":W(5)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>197 and x<229 and W(6)=0:W$="G":W(6)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi fi if y>217 and y<249 if x>5 and x<37 and W(7)=0:W$="H":W(7)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>37 and x<69 and W(8)=0:W$="I":W(8)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>69 and x<101 and W(9)=0:W$="J":W(9)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>101 and x<133 and W(10)=0:W$="K":W(10)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>133 and x<165 and W(11)=0:W$="L":W(11)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>165 and x<197 and W(12)=0:W$="M":W(12)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>197 and x<229 and W(13)=0:W$="N":W(13)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi fi if y>249 and y<281 if x>5 and x<37 and W(14)=0:W$="O":W(14)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>37 and x<69 and W(15)=0:W$="P":W(15)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>69 and x<101 and W(16)=0:W$="Q":W(16)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>101 and x<133 and W(17)=0:W$="R":W(17)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>133 and x<165 and W(18)=0:W$="S":W(18)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>165 and x<197 and W(19)=0:W$="T":W(19)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>197 and x<229 and W(20)=0:W$="U":W(20)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi fi if y>281 and y<313 if x>5 and x<37 and W(21)=0:W$="V":W(21)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>37 and x<69 and W(22)=0:W$="W":W(22)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>69 and x<101 and W(23)=0:W$="X":W(23)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>101 and x<133 and W(24)=0:W$="Y":W(24)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>133 and x<165 and W(25)=0:W$="Z":W(25)=1:GOSUB CheckABC:fi if x>165 and x<197 THEN GOTO home if x>197 and x<229:cls:?"Danke für''s Spielen":?"Und danke an SmallBASIC, Novice etc. !":end:fi fi Y1=Y1+32 next b fi X1=X1+32 next a IF Hit=0 and Check=1 THEN GOSUB DrawHangman Check=0:Hit=0 fi wend LABEL CheckABC XA=20 FOR GW=1 TO LEN(HM$) if Word$(GW)=W$:color 2:AT XA,160:?CAT(1);W$;CAT(0):Hit=1:GotIt=GotIt+1:fi Check=1 XA=XA+20 if GotIt=LEN(HM$):COLOR 4:LOCATE 3,15:?"Gewonnen!!":GOSUB Clean:FI NEXT GW RETURN LABEL DrawHangman Wrong=Wrong+1 if Wrong=1: for z = 30 to 34:color 4:pset 10,z:line 90,z:next z:FI if Wrong=2: for z = 85 to 89:color 4:pset z,34:line z,150:next z:FI if Wrong=3: for z = 40 to 42:color 2:pset z,34:line z,44:next z:FI if Wrong=4: color 13:circle 41,50,10 filled:FI if Wrong=5: for z = 34 to 48:color 9:pset z,62:line z,100:next z:FI if Wrong=6: for z = 65 to 68:color 9:pset 10,z:line 32,z:next z:FI if Wrong=7: for z = 65 to 68:color 9:pset 51,z:line 73,z:next z:FI if Wrong=8: for z = 27 to 31:color 10:pset z,95:line z,140:next z:FI if Wrong=9: for z = 51 to 55:color 10,15:pset z,95:line z,140:next z LOCATE 3,15:color 12,15:?"Verloren!!" GOSUB Clean RETURN LABEL Clean color 2,15 c=0:d=0 for a = 0 to 25:W(a)=1:next a for a = 1 to 4 for b = 1 to 7 pset 5+c,185+d:rect 35+c,215+d:AT 10+c,190+d:?" " if a=4 and b=6:AT 10+c,190+d:?"Neu":fi if a=4 and b=7:AT 10+c-3,190+d:?"Ende":fi c=c+32 Char=Char+1 next b d=d+32:c=0 next a FI RETURN Label Database RANDOMIZE TIMER Guess=INT(RND*192)+1 if Guess=1 then HM$="Ahnherr" if Guess=2 then HM$="Ahnung" if Guess=3 then HM$="Ahorn" if Guess=4 then HM$="Akademie" if Guess=5 then HM$="Akklamation" if Guess=6 then HM$="Akklimatisierung" if Guess=7 then HM$="Akquisiteur" if Guess=8 then HM$="Akribie" if Guess=9 then HM$="Aktendeckel" if Guess=10 then HM$="Alpen" if Guess=11 then HM$="Ansager" if Guess=12 then HM$="Antidepressivum" if Guess=13 then HM$="Apfelkuchen" if Guess=14 then HM$="Apparat" if Guess=15 then HM$="Argumentationsfolge" if Guess=16 then HM$="Arsenal" if Guess=17 then HM$="Assistenzarzt" if Guess=18 then HM$="Attentaeter" if Guess=19 then HM$="Atavismus" if Guess=20 then HM$="Authentizitaet" if Guess=21 then HM$="Bagatelle" if Guess=23 then HM$="Ballermann" if Guess=24 then HM$="Dauerauftrag" if Guess=25 then HM$="Dauerbrenner" if Guess=26 then HM$="Dauererfolg" if Guess=27 then HM$="Dauerhaftigkeit" if Guess=28 then HM$="Dauerlauf" if Guess=29 then HM$="Dauerzustand" if Guess=30 then HM$="Daumen" if Guess=31 then HM$="Daune" if Guess=32 then HM$="Deaktivierung" if Guess=33 then HM$="Debatte" if Guess=34 then HM$="Debattenpunkt" if Guess=35 then HM$="Deckadresse" if Guess=36 then HM$="Deckbett" if Guess=37 then HM$="Deckblatt" if Guess=38 then HM$="Deckel" if Guess=39 then HM$="Deckelblatt" if Guess=40 then HM$="Deckfarbe" if Guess=41 then HM$="Deckmantel" if Guess=42 then HM$="Deckname" if Guess=43 then HM$="Deckung" if Guess=44 then HM$="Decoder" if Guess=45 then HM$="Decodiereinheit" if Guess=46 then HM$="Decodierung" if Guess=47 then HM$="Deduktion" if Guess=48 then HM$="Defaultwert" if Guess=49 then HM$="Defensivposition" if Guess=50 then HM$="Definiertheit" if Guess=51 then HM$="Definition" if Guess=52 then HM$="Defizit" if Guess=53 then HM$="Deflation" if Guess=54 then HM$="Degen" if Guess=55 then HM$="Degeneration" if Guess=56 then HM$="Degradierung" if Guess=57 then HM$="Degression" if Guess=58 then HM$="Dehnbarkeit" if Guess=59 then HM$="Dehnung" if Guess=60 then HM$="Deich" if Guess=61 then HM$="Deichsel" if Guess=62 then HM$="Dekade" if Guess=63 then HM$="Dekadenz" if Guess=64 then HM$="Dekalog" if Guess=65 then HM$="Dekan" if Guess=66 then HM$="Dekanat" if Guess=67 then HM$="Deklamation" if Guess=68 then HM$="Deklamator" if Guess=69 then HM$="Deklaration" if Guess=70 then HM$="Deklarationspflicht" if Guess=71 then HM$="Deklination" if Guess=72 then HM$="Dekor" if Guess=73 then HM$="Dekorateur" if Guess=74 then HM$="Dekoration" if Guess=75 then HM$="Dekret" if Guess=76 then HM$="Delegation" if Guess=77 then HM$="Delikatesse" if Guess=78 then HM$="Delikt" if Guess=79 then HM$="Delirien" if Guess=80 then HM$="Delirium" if Guess=81 then HM$="Delle" if Guess=82 then HM$="Delphin" if Guess=83 then HM$="Delta" if Guess=84 then HM$="Demagoge" if Guess=85 then HM$="Demagogie" if Guess=86 then HM$="Demarkationslinie" if Guess=87 then HM$="Dementi" if Guess=88 then HM$="Dementierung" if Guess=89 then HM$="Demobilisierung" if Guess=90 then HM$="Demokrat" if Guess=91 then HM$="Elefant" if Guess=92 then HM$="Empirismus" if Guess=93 then HM$="Gartenzwerg" if Guess=94 then HM$="Geisterbahn" if Guess=95 then HM$="Guntershagen" if Guess=96 then HM$="Gaensewein" if Guess=97 then HM$="Geheimrat" if Guess=98 then HM$="Hebewerk" if Guess=99 then HM$="Heu" if Guess=100 then HM$="Hundekuchen" if Guess=101 then HM$="Hausverwalter" if Guess=102 then HM$="Identifikation" if Guess=103 then HM$="Internetprovider" if Guess=104 then HM$="Inselurlaub" if Guess=105 then HM$="Jungbrunnen" if Guess=106 then HM$="Jagdschloss" if Guess=107 then HM$="Jurisprudenz" if Guess=108 then HM$="Kaeltekompresse" if Guess=109 then HM$="Konsistenz" if Guess=110 then HM$="Korallenriff" if Guess=111 then HM$="Kindergarten" if Guess=112 then HM$="Lampenschirm" if Guess=113 then HM$="Lederhose" if Guess=114 then HM$="Landeshauptstadt" if Guess=115 then HM$="Lurch" if Guess=116 then HM$="Leberwurst" if Guess=117 then HM$="Musterkoffer" if Guess=118 then HM$="Magnetschwebebahn" if Guess=119 then HM$="Meister" if Guess=120 then HM$="Massenproduktion" if Guess=121 then HM$="Numismatik" if Guess=122 then HM$="Nautilist" if Guess=123 then HM$="Neuerwerbung" if Guess=124 then HM$="Nachbau" if Guess=125 then HM$="Nougatcreme" if Guess=126 then HM$="Nasentropfen" if Guess=127 then HM$="Oberamtsarzt" if Guess=128 then HM$="Offensive" if Guess=129 then HM$="Osterweiterung" if Guess=130 then HM$="Plagiator" if Guess=131 then HM$="Pruefplakette" if Guess=132 then HM$="Praesidentschaftskandidat" if Guess=133 then HM$="Perceptron" if Guess=134 then HM$="Pallindrom" if Guess=135 then HM$="Perserteppich" if Guess=136 then HM$="Perserkatze" if Guess=137 then HM$="Rasenmaeher" if Guess=138 then HM$="Rostentferner" if Guess=139 then HM$="Rudel" if Guess=140 then HM$="Richter" if Guess=141 then HM$="Randalierer" if Guess=142 then HM$="Strassenbahn" if Guess=143 then HM$="Sandkuchen" if Guess=144 then HM$="Saftschorle" if Guess=145 then HM$="Semperoper" if Guess=146 then HM$="Trachtenverein" if Guess=147 then HM$="Turnverein" if Guess=148 then HM$="Tanzclub" if Guess=149 then HM$="Tiger" if Guess=150 then HM$="Tornado" if Guess=151 then HM$="Totalschaden" if Guess=152 then HM$="Tomatencremesuppe" if Guess=153 then HM$="Tzunami" if Guess=154 then HM$="Terpentin" if Guess=155 then HM$="Terminalemulation" if Guess=156 then HM$="Transponderfrequenz" if Guess=157 then HM$="Trampolin" if Guess=158 then HM$="Terminator" if Guess=159 then HM$="Ueberschallflugzeug" if Guess=160 then HM$="Unternehmergeist" if Guess=161 then HM$="Unabdingbarkeit" if Guess=162 then HM$="User" if Guess=163 then HM$="Uebergabeprotokoll" if Guess=164 then HM$="Vereinsvorstand" if Guess=165 then HM$="Vaterland" if Guess=166 then HM$="Verantwortlicher" if Guess=167 then HM$="Vorstufe" if Guess=168 then HM$="Vespa" if Guess=169 then HM$="Vielflieger" if Guess=170 then HM$="Vatertagsausflug" if Guess=171 then HM$="Wal" if Guess=172 then HM$="Wald" if Guess=173 then HM$="Waldmeister" if Guess=174 then HM$="Waldenser" if Guess=175 then HM$="Weidenzaun" if Guess=176 then HM$="Weidenkaetzchen" if Guess=177 then HM$="Wasserfall" if Guess=178 then HM$="Wiesenchampignon" if Guess=179 then HM$="Wunderkerze" if Guess=180 then HM$="Wildwuchs" if Guess=181 then HM$="Warzenschwein" if Guess=182 then HM$="Wertung" if Guess=183 then HM$="Xylophon" if Guess=184 then HM$="Xanthippe" if Guess=185 then HM$="Xerographieren" if Guess=186 then HM$="Zanderfilet" if Guess=187 then HM$="Zauberstab" if Guess=188 then HM$="Zentralregister" if Guess=189 then HM$="Zusammenhalt" if Guess=190 then HM$="Zerstoerungswut" if Guess=191 then HM$="Zuckerwatte" if Guess=192 then HM$="Zeugnis" if Guess=193 then HM$="Zahnarzthelferin" Return'